@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000370, author = {深見純生}, issue = {1}, journal = {桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要}, month = {2017-10-02, 2023-08-16}, note = {The Babad Tanah Jawi (Meinsma edition) mentions Mt. Merapi 10 times, of which the first 4 cases constitute a series of stories culminating in a battle at Prambanan between Pajang and Mataram. From the story we find that Mt. Merapi houses spirits that originate from the same ancestor as that of the Mataram kings, that Mt. Merapi and human society correspond with each other, that Mt. Merapi to the north of the Mataram kingdom seems to be an equal partner of the Southern Sea as protector of the kingdom, and lastly that the ruler of the spirits of Mt. Merapi is, however, not mentioned in the babad, unlike Ratu Rara Kidul in the Southern Sea, who is described elaborately as the protector of the kingdom}, pages = {101--115}, title = {『ババッド・タナ・ジャウィ』 におけるムラピ山 ー精霊と火砕流ー}, volume = {43}, year = {} }