@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000491, author = {川﨑千加 and 小松泰信 and 辻 洋一郎 and 藤間 真 and 日置将之 and 家禰淳一 and 沖田克夫 and 松戸宏予 and 山本順一}, issue = {1}, journal = {桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要}, month = {2012, 2023-08-20}, note = {This paper is a collective work resulted from the joint research project of the St. Andrew’s University’s Research Institute, which had been studied from April, 2009 to March, 2011, regarding to ‘Reviewing the Methodology of Library and Information Science Education in St. Andrew’s University’. The project team was constituted of 12 members. Nine members wrote this paper. Professor Chika KAWASAKI discussed on information literacy instruction within Japanese librarian-training courses. Professor Yasunobu KOMATSU recommended the utilization of learning management systems based on his own experiences. Professor Youichiro TSUJI introduced the present use of his University’s students from the result of his questionnaire research. Professor Makoto TOHMA told about his practice of teaching a class named ‘Special Topics on Librarianship’. Mr. Masayuki HIOKI, having worked at the National Diet Library, said his unique opinion gained from the research project activities. Mr. Junichi YANE, professional librarian of the City Library of Sakai, considered about general library management on reading a bestseller fiction, If a Highschool-student Girl-manager Reads P. F. Drucker’s Management. Mr. Katsuo OKITA, formerly working at Kumon Educational Ltd., now parttime lecturer of the Bukkyo University, summarized the strong points of Kumon-educational method. And, at last, Professor Hiroyo MATSUDO introduced and reviewed a university’s complex process of making new librarian-training course and its courseware}, pages = {85--143}, title = {図書館情報学教育のフィロソフィーの 検討と教育サービスのあり方に関する再考}, volume = {38}, year = {} }