@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001008, author = {Thomas LEGGE}, issue = {19}, journal = {人間文化研究}, month = {Oct}, note = {This paper examines the experiences of two groups of Japanese university undergraduate students who took part in a twenty-week English online study abroad program. This was an intensive program with the two groups being required to take either 120 hours or 90 hours of online English classes during the study period.    TOEIC Listening and Reading (LR) score data was collected before and after the course in order to measure improvement in the students’ English level. This was complemented by student questionnaires to gain further insight into the students’ experiences, and course completion statistics held by the university.    Overall, students’ average TOEIC LR scores increased by around 100 points in total, with both the Listening and the Reading section seeing similar-sized increases. Student feedback about the course was generally very positive with a strong sense of improvement being felt by those who completed it. At the same time, there was some concern from students about scheduling and, on an institutional level, about the dropout rates for the course.}, pages = {97--132}, title = {Online Study Abroad – A Case Study of Japanese University Students’ Experiences of Studying English Online}, year = {2023} }