@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004731, author = {滝田, 和夫 and Takita, Kazuo}, issue = {4}, journal = {桃山学院大学経済経営論集, ST. ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper, the empirical relationship among values, production prices, and market prices in Japan are analyzed. The main results of this paper are as follows.(1)Production prices and market prices contain an element which is proportional to labor values as inner component part. The elements proportional to labor values account for 3/4 of production prices and 4/5 of market prices on average in Japan(Fig.6 and Fig.7). Therefoe, most part of prices consists of an element proportional to labor values. In addition, this ratio is not dependent on the method to normalize values and prices, or the measurement unit of products.(2)The labor theory of value has considerable power to explain production prices and market prices(Table 6 and Table 7). And this fact is closely related to the first point above. The coefficient of variation of production price, 5, KJ00004869391, 論文, Article}, pages = {81--122}, title = {ニホン ニオケル カチ ト セイサン カカク シジョウ カカク ノ ジッショウテキ カンレン ゲ クマガイ ジロウ キョウジュ タイニン キネンゴウ}, volume = {49}, year = {2008}, yomi = {タキタ, カズオ} }