@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004742, author = {竹歳, 一紀 and Taketoshi, Kazuki}, issue = {1/2}, journal = {桃山学院大学経済経営論集, ST. ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW}, month = {Jun}, note = {Several legal schemes for recycling wastes have been implemented in Japan since the late 1990s. Although these schemes are basically accepted in the society, some recyclable wastes are not recycled in each domestic system but exported as renewable resources. Especially, China is now the biggest country importing such renewable resources as waste pet-bottles and home appliances with the large demand produced by the high-speed economic growth. This paper studies proper environmental and trade policies under recyclable wastes are internationally traded. For this purpose, a simple partial equilibrium model consisting of two large countries is introduced to analyze social surplus in each sector of both exporting and importing countries. "E-waste," which is wasted electronic products, is assumed to be traded in the model. Some of disposed e-waste is recycled as long as it is profitable. However, unless it is properly treated, environmental pollution is likely to occur. Some recent studies focus on this issue in China and other Asian countries. The important results of welfare analysis of the model are as follows. 1) If imported e-waste is not properly treated, the trade in e-waste decreases the total social surplus in the importing country because of the external cost for environmental pollution. On the other hand, it improves social welfare in the exporting country. 2) The first best policy is the free trade of e-waste between two countries with the policy for proper treatment of e-waste in the importing country. These results are consistent with the general discussion of trade policy under the distortion of domestic market. Considering the current recycle schemes in Japan, some recyclable wastes spill over the domestic recycling system because of the market mechanism in the international mobility. Although it is often enforced to restrict the international mobility of such recyclable wastes, it will not be the first best policy. Even if the trade is restricted, the market mechanism will induce illegal trade. The important issue is that the recycle system should be no longer domestic and it should be designed with the international economic relationship., 2, KJ00005004308, 論文, Article}, pages = {7--27}, title = {リサイクル カノウ ナ ハイキブツ ノ コクサイ イドウ ニ カンスル イチコウサツ ニッチュウカン ノ ソウゴ イゾン カンケイ オ シヤ ニ バン マサキ ジュンキョウジュ ツイトウゴウ}, volume = {50}, year = {2008}, yomi = {タケトシ, カズキ} }