@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004834, author = {片岡, 信之 and Kataoka, Shinshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {桃山学院大学経済経営論集, ST. ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW}, month = {Jul}, note = {I discussed the origin of business management theories in Japan in my book Introduction to Japanese Business Management Theories (1990), in which I described the long and slow way of formation of management studies from merchant ehics and abacus (Edo Period), commercial studies, industrial economy, industrial geography, warehouse, transportation, commodity science and so forth (Meiji Peiod). Generally speaking, there was no management theory up to the end of Meiji Peiod, though it was on the eve of birth. -this was the conclusion of the book. Immediately on the beginning of the Taisho Period (1912~), Scientific Management in America was introduced quickly through various ways. Frederic W.Taylor's The principles of scientific management (1911) was translated into Japanese in various versions (Yokogawa, Hoshino, Gotoh). Books of efficiency engineers like Emerson, Gilbreth, Gantt etc. were introduced in many articles appeared in business magazines and journals. Tohshirou Ikeda, Jyuujirou Ikdea, Youichi Ueno and Kouichi Kanda were the leading people who vigorously promoted public awareness of scientific management and efficiency. In this paper, I describe the vigorous activities of these four people and others, and assert their activities were substantially the first step of birth of management thought in Japan., 2, KJ00007166259, 論文, Article}, pages = {21--69}, title = {タイショウ ゼンキ ニオケル カガクテキ カンリホウ ノ リュウニュウ ト ショウコウギョウガク エノ インパクト 1}, volume = {53}, year = {2011}, yomi = {カタオカ, シンシ} }