@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005852, author = {小川, 登 and OGAWA, Noboru}, issue = {1}, journal = {桃山学院大学社会学論集, ST. ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW}, month = {Jul}, note = {The new Millennium year was a memorial year in the history of Japanese social security. The purpose of this paper is to charify the whole picture of the Millennium pension reform. A good side is that Elderly Care Insurance started. A most bad side is that although there is no prospect for 65-year-old retirement age system, it was decided that pension pay can be drawn only after the age of 65. The 21st century will be a severe period for Japanese social security., 3, KJ00004282758, 論文, Article}, pages = {1--26}, title = {ミレニアム年金改革 : 1000万円損となる}, volume = {35}, year = {2001}, yomi = {オガワ, ノボル} }