@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005879, author = {鈴木, 富久 and Suzuki, Tomihisa}, issue = {2}, journal = {桃山学院大学社会学論集, ST. ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW}, month = {Feb}, note = {This paper deals with problems of how to read the following Gramsci’s texts and his phrase in his Prison Notebooks(Q.). 1) Text1. 《contribuendo a modificare l’insieme delle condizioni concrete che realizzano questa volonta nella misura dei propri limiti di potenza e nella forma piu fruttuosa.》 (Q.10II, 48, II, p.1338) 2) Text2. 《 L’uomo e da concepire come un blocco storico di elementi puramente individuali e soggettivi e di elementi di massa e oggettivi o materiali coi quali l’individuo e in rapporti attivi.》 (Q.10II, 48, II, p.1338) 3) Phrase 《 rovesciamento della praxis》 The conclusion of the examination is as follows: 1) Text1 should be read 《 by contributing to modify -----to the extent of one’s own limits and capacities and in the most fruitful form .》 2) Text2 should be read to mean that a historical block consists of not two categorical elements, but three categorical ones: 《 elementi puramente individuali e soggettivi》, 《 elementi di massa》 (other members of collective) and 《elementi----oggettivi o materiali》. 3) The 《 praxis》 is as an object of 《 rovesciamento》 (overturn) in the phrase 《 rovesciamento della praxis》 so that the phrase indicates to overturn (revolutionize) the 《 praxis》. It doesn’t mean that the 《 praxis》 overturns by itself., 3, KJ00000155035, 論文, Article}, pages = {73--97}, title = {グラムシ ゴクチュウ ノート ノ ジャッカン ノ ヤクゴ ヤクブン ニツイテニンゲンロン ト ジッセン ノ テンプク}, volume = {36}, year = {2003}, yomi = {スズキ, トミヒサ} }