@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005972, author = {大倉, 季久 and Ohkura, Suehisa}, issue = {2}, journal = {桃山学院大学社会学論集, ST. ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW}, month = {Mar}, note = {I have advocated the need of economic sociology to understand of contemporary forest devastation in Japan. In this article, I will indicate the contexts of this argument. Traditionally, Japanese timber markets have been Local Market. However, it have been destructed and restructured during recent years. It's felt that forest devastation has been expanding in this process. This trend indicate that Japanese Forest devastation can be treated as a crisis of local timber markets, and it deserves continued attention to cultural dimension of market emergence., 8, KJ00006960879, 論文, Article}, pages = {165--191}, title = {ローカル マーケット ロン ノ ブンミャク ニホン シンリン コウハイシ ノ カキカエ ニ ムケタ アシガカリ キタガワ ノリオ キョウジュ タイニン キネンゴウ}, volume = {44}, year = {2011}, yomi = {オオクラ, スエヒサ} }