@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007424, author = {高橋, ひとみ and TAKAHASHI, Hitomi}, issue = {19}, journal = {桃山学院大学人間科学, HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University}, month = {Jul}, note = {We made these researches as basic investigaitons to know how lives and rhythms of life patterns relate to our health, and how we should understand our life strength to increase our working efficiencies. The targets of the researches were taxi drivers, following the guards of the exresearch. First, we added to investigate how self judges of our health relate to our health conditions. As a result, we found that "sleeping" conditions affect "conditions at awakening." In a comparison of "morning persons" and "night persons," we found that "time zone of good conditions" of "morning persons" is in the morning and that of "night persons" is between the afternoon and the night. "The commuting time" and the "time zone of good conditions" also relate to each other. Based on the results, we suggest to know one's "rhythm of sleeping and awaking" and make use of it for one's health controls and for preventing car accidents., 4, KJ00004276391, 論文, Article}, pages = {91--116}, title = {交替制勤務者の生活リズムと健康(I) : タクシードライバーの生活状況と生活のリズム}, year = {2000}, yomi = {タカハシ, ヒトミ} }