@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007538, author = {竹中, 暉雄 and Takenaka, Teruo}, issue = {32}, journal = {桃山学院大学人間科学, HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University}, month = {Nov}, note = {This paper mainly discusses the following five points.1. We have to distinguish the educational philosophy of Gakusei from the educational philosophy of the Meiji Government. Otherwise we can't explain (1) the particularity of the preface of Gakusei, which insists on the education of the individual in spite of the difficult international position of Japan, or (2) the reason for issuing such an ordinance.2. The general opinion that the educational philosophy of the preface of Gakusei is based on Rissin-Shusse-shugi" (success-motivated idea) needs to be examined. It certainly encourages the people in self-help within their own social rank, but never promotion of social rank. Gakumon no Susume by Fukuzawa Yukichi also does not recommend promotion of social rank.3. The idea that the preface of Gakusei is a copy of Gakumon no Susume (the first chapter) by Fukuzawa Yukichi is not appropriate. We can properly understand the particularity of the preface of Gakusei by comparing the two of them. 4. The general opinion that Gakusei intended to build a single-track school system is very questionable. The school system plan of Gakusei was a plural-track system under a unified school system, and it intended to prepare various types of school according to differences between rich and poor in society. This point is related to point 2.5. (Supposition) The phrase, education for individual promotion of social rank" was first thought up by local governors after the issue of Gakusei as an effectively persuasive bit of rhetoric for the people who were reluctant to send their children to the schools., 3, KJ00004409161, 論文, Article}, pages = {84--144}, title = {ガクセイ メイジ ゴネン ノ キョウイク リネン ニ カンスル ショモンダイ リッシン シュッセ タンセンガタ ガッコウ セイド ガクモン ノ ススメ トノ カンケイ}, year = {2006}, yomi = {タケナカ, テルオ} }