@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007799, author = {林, 宏作 and Lin, Hong-Zuo}, issue = {11}, journal = {国際文化論集, INTERCULTURAL STUDIES}, month = {Jan}, note = {本論文は、『三国志』・『晉書』の正史をはじめ、阮籍自らの著作や『世説新語』及びその注に引用された諸々の資料に基づき、いままで史書に明示されていない阮籍の歴任した官職の年月を考証するものである。この考証によって、阮籍の生涯が一層はっきりするとともに、唐代に編集された『晉書』の誤った記載も明らかにした。しかし一七〇〇余年も昔のこと故、すべてを解明できたとは言い難いが、現時点では最も精確な結論に達したと思う。いまここで本論文の考証によって得られた結論だけを次に記しておこう。阮籍が「吏」として蒋済に招かれたのは二四二年、三三歳のときである。これは阮籍の最初の仕官である。その後、三九歳(二四八年)のときに「尚書郎」となり、そして同じ年に曹爽の「参軍」として招かれたのである。曹爽が失脚した後、阮籍は司馬懿によって「従事中郎」を命じられている。この任期は恐らく正始十年(二四九)三月から司馬懿の死した嘉平三年(二五一)八月までであろう。司馬懿の死後、阮籍は続いて司馬師の「従事中郎」に任じられ、正元元年(二五四)十月「散騎常侍」に移るまで、その任にあったと考えられる。そして自ら「東平の相」を求め、三たび「従事中郎」となり、「歩兵校尉」となったのはすべて司馬昭の執政の時代であり、二五五年二月から二五八年五月まで、つまり阮籍の四六歳から四九歳の間のことである、と史料によって推測するものである。, In this paper I investigate into the historical evidences of Ruan Ji's successive posts in the government which hitherto have remained unspecified in the history books. The materials on which my research based were Sanguozhi, Jinshu, Ruan Ji's own writings, Shishuoxinyu and various notes quoted in the book. Notwithstanding the fact that I could not solve all the problems concerning the career of Ruan Ji, yet I believe at the present I have attained the most exact conclusion about the matter. The career of Ruan Ji was made clearer than before and incorrect records in Jinshu compiled during Tang period were disclosed. Here, I would like to epitomize only the conclusions attained by the investigation. It was when he was 33 years old in 242 A. D., that Ruan Ji was engaged by Jiang Ji as a government official. This was his first entrance into the government service. Later, when he was at the age of 39 in 248 A. D., he became Shangshulang and in the same year he was engaged by Cao Shuang as Canjun. After Cao Shuang lost his position, Ruan Ji was appointed to Congshizhonglang by Sima Yi. The term of this office was, perhaps, from March, 249 A. D., the tenth year of the Zhengshi era, to August, 251 A. D., the third year of the Jiapeng era, when Si-ma Yi died. After the death of Si-ma Yi, Ruan Ji was successively appointed to Congshizhonglang by Si-ma Shi, and he seemed to have remained in the office untill he was transferred to Sanjichangshi in October, 254 A. D., the first year of the Zhengyuan era. Then, he requested himself and took the office of "Minister of Dongpeng district", and thereafter for the third time he was appointed to Congshizhonglang and further to Bubingjiaowei. All these, I surmise, were during the period of Si-ma Zhao's administration, i. e., from February, 255 A. D. to May, 258 A. D., when Ruan Ji was at the age between 46 and 49., 6, KJ00004274438, 論文, Article}, pages = {(7)--(17)}, title = {阮籍仕宦考}, year = {1995} }