@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008498, author = {釣井, 千恵 and TSURII, Chie}, issue = {16}, journal = {英米評論, ENGLISH REVIEW}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper attempts to investigate how natural invented dialogues appearing in EFL textbooks are as models of informal conversations. I analyse texts in EFL textbooks aimed at improving the speaking ability of students in senior high schools in Japan, in order to investigate the differences between invented dialogues and authentic conversations. The texts are analysed and discussed in terms of their lexical density, on the assumption that the lexical density of naturally occurring conversations in which there is a possibility of feedback by the other interlocutor(s) is lower than that of other kinds of texts where there is no possibility of feedback, including written discourse. By examining the data collected from twelve textbooks, I have found that the lexical density of the texts appearing in a selection of textbooks is considerably high, despite the fact that dialogues analysed in this study are texts consisting of face-to-face conversations in which there is a possibility of feedback by the other interlocutor(s). As for the reasons behind the higher density of invented dialogues, these appear to be: (1) the use of fewer pronouns and adverbs; (2) the lack of opening and closing parts; and (3) the listing of the lexical items and the repetition of the question-answer format which contains the target expression. In several EFL situations, like in Japan, materials used in the classroom play a crucial role in learning performance, therefore, the discourse features of colloquial English should be at least presented in textbooks. Teachers should also be made aware of these factors., 9, KJ00004272624, 論文, Article}, pages = {167--195}, title = {Lexical Density of Invented Dialogues in EFL Textbooks : How Natural Are They as Models of Spoken Discourse?}, year = {2001}, yomi = {ツリイ, チエ} }