@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008804, author = {冷水, 啓子 and 冷水, 來生 and Shimizu, Keiko and SHIMIZ, Yorio}, issue = {6}, journal = {人間文化研究, Journal of Humanities Research St. Andrew's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper we report on our attempt to develop a PC-driven concept learning and achievement evaluation system for children with low-functioning developmental disorders. In particular, we review previous studies, and report on the results of two preliminary investigations which we have carried out. For the first preliminary investigation, a prototype PC program for measuring and evaluating concept formation levels in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was developed and carried out from October to November, 2007. Subsequently, a second preliminary investigation was conducted from October to December 2014 on second and third graders (all boys) enrolled in a School for Special Needs who were attending daycare after school. The results of these investigations, together with earlier research results, suggested the existence of categorization processes by semantic features in the ASD children. In addition, their dependence on visual pathways and preference for using equipment such as personal computers was confirmed. The results of the latest investigation, conducted in 2015, are currently being analyzed, and will be reported on in due course.}, pages = {5--26}, title = {発達障害児のためのパソコンによる概念学習(Ⅰ): 学習プログラムの開発および予備調査の結果}, year = {2017}, yomi = {シミズ, ケイコ and シミズ, ヨリオ} }