@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008922, author = {本間, 栄男 and HONMA, Eio}, issue = {2}, journal = {桃山学院大学社会学論集, ST.ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW}, month = {Feb}, note = {In this paper I aim to classify Japanese and German emotion terms for historical study. I divide the emotion terms in class terms and repertory terms. I use “Kanjou (感情)” as the most comprehensive class term of what we think about emotions and affective states, and I survey its history in Japan using a secondary material. Next, I make it clear that the German emotion class terms had changed between eighteenth and nineteenth century, from Gemütsbewegung (Gemüthsbewegung) to Gefühl, and that the function of the sub-class terms such as Affect (Affekt) and Leidenschaft also had changed. As a result, I decide to use Kanjou for the nineteenth century German Gefühl, Joudou (情動)for Affekt, Jounen (情 念)for Leidenschaft.}, pages = {41--69}, title = {日独感情用語とその分類についての一試論}, volume = {51}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ホンマ, エイオ} }