@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009260, author = {松澤, 俊二 and MATSUZAWA, Shunji}, issue = {13}, journal = {人間文化研究, Journal of Humanities Research,St.Andrew's University}, month = {Oct}, note = {Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture is the birthplace of Akiko Yosano. Akiko is now considered to be a symbol of the local identity, and many commemorative events are held. However, before the war, Akiko was also recognized as a “bad girl” and was not always welcomed by the people of Sakai. The focus of this paper is on how Akiko was remembered by the local people after the war. In particular, this point will be made clear by various awards activities held in Sakai, such as making monuments and memorials, and examining their performances. Then, the transformation and variety of Akiko’s image are also shown. It also discusses the important significance of the region remembering Akiko.}, pages = {35--57}, title = {与謝野晶子はどのように 「記憶」されたか : 戦後の堺市における顕彰活動に注目して}, year = {2020}, yomi = {マツザワ, シュンジ} }