@article{oai:stars.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009413, author = {馬, 嫚 and 大島, 一二 and MA, Man and OSHIMA, Kazutsugu}, issue = {2}, journal = {桃山学院大学経済経営論集, ST.ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW}, month = {Oct}, note = {The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government are advocating rural tourism as an important strategy for revitalizing rural areas. Rural tourism is currently an important approach to achieving rural revitalization strategies from an economic perspective, and rural tourism has multiple functions such as rural living environment, maintenance of traditional culture, and increase of farmers’ income. It can be said that it is a new industry. It is also attracting attention from the perspective of “integration” between urban and rural areas of China. However, rural tourism in China is still in its early stages and is currently facing many challenges. Therefore, in this paper, we focused on the case of rural tourism in Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and examined the current situation and issues. In this paper, the field survey was the main survey method.}, pages = {6--15}, title = {中国の農村振興における農村観光の機能と課題 : 広西チワン族自治区玉林市の事例を中心に}, volume = {63}, year = {2021}, yomi = {MA, Man and OSHIMA, Kazutsugu} }